31 May, 2021

This is not fog, but the operation of the humidification system

This is not fog, but the operation of the humidification system

The quality of cardboard packaging begins with the preparatory stage, which in the process affects the speed of order fulfillment and the final cost of finished products.

Before you, the acclimatization of printing materials is one of the conditions for input control and further use of raw materials.

How does this happen?

Year-round humidification systems bring the humidity of paper and cardboard into an equilibrium state with the air indicators at the production sites of the company "PECHATNYA", starting from the unwinding of raw materials and ending with the finished product.

What gives?

Timely prevention of static, sticking, brittleness, twisting and shrinkage of raw materials.

Cardboard packaging. Reliably protects the product. Acclimatization of raw materials and semi-finished products helps to preserve and improve the quality characteristics of future cardboard packaging.